See you online during the epidemic crisis!
Release date:2020-02-13
With the outbreak of the COVID -19, suddenly everything has come to a stop, and the changing numbers of confirmed cases of the virus affect the hearts of millions. We can no longer travel freely and are isolated from the daily life that we used to have. During the "war" against the epidemic, we try to stay safe from the virus by self-quarantining, but wedon't quarantine love. It's about protecting ourselves, but also being socially responsible.
During the lockdown, Jade Bird Fire started immediately to move to remote work for all our employees, and everyone is still in close contact with one and another during this critical time.

The administration department is on standby and ready for ay protection and emergency response.

The sales and business-related departments are online without interruption and are continually providing the same outstanding assistance and services to our customers.

In the meantime, our offline support is also ongoing, making our small contribution to the epidemic prevention and control.
On the front line of this crisis, there are people standing in front of us and fighting for us. Hereby we pay our tribute and deepest respect to all the doctors, nurses and paramedics, to the workers involved in the construction of the "Little Tangshan Model" hospitals, to the volunteers who are on the front line of prevention and control, and to all the tens of millions of ordinary people just like us.
On the back line, we must follow the policies and bear in mind the social responsibly that we all share. Even the longest winter has an end. This spring may be late, but it will come.
We believe that spring is not far away from us. Jade Bird Fire will always be ready to work together with China to overcome all the challenges and help each other through the difficulties.
After the storm, the rainbow
Together we're stronger than ever.